Which Is More Correct? A Watch That Doesn't Work At All Or A Watch That Loses A Minute Each Hour?

BTW It's a Trick Question😉

All I have is the one that loses a minute each hour because it's logical reasoning but I just wanted to double check

A watch that doesn't work at all is right twice a day.

How often is the watch that loses a minute each hour correct?

The question you have posed is indeed a trick question, and both answers can be considered correct depending on the perspective you take.

If we consider the question from a functional standpoint, where the purpose of a watch is to accurately tell time, then a watch that loses a minute each hour is more correct than a watch that doesn't work at all. Even though the watch losing a minute each hour is not perfectly accurate, it still serves the basic function of telling time to some extent.

However, if we look at it from a technical standpoint, where the comparison is made between a watch that doesn't work at all and a watch that loses a minute each hour, technically speaking, neither is completely correct. The ideal watch should keep time accurately without any deviations.

When approaching such trick questions, it's essential to consider the context and the purpose behind the question. In this case, the answer can vary based on how one interprets the term "correct."

I hope this explanation helps!