Della cuts off her long, beautiful hair and sells it in order to buy a watch chain for her husband’s prized pocket watch. Jim, her husband, sells his pocket watch to buy an ornate brush for his wife, Della.

(1 point)
Select the correct answer from the list. This statement represents

these are my answers for Connexus....also I do not know if my answers are correct so please if you use my answers check with someone else to see if they're correct (9-12 are word problems idk if mine are correct or not) hope this helps <3

1. Situational
2. Dramatic
3. Foreshadowing
4. Suspense
5. Camera shots and angles
6. they both focus on one human's opinion of milo
7. the hero gets a call to action and goes from the known world to an unknown world
8. renewal/rebirth
9. idk
10. idk
11. idk
12. idk

3. is humor

6. is They both talk about Milo’s interaction with dogs
and the rest are correct :)

Are these right?

To determine if the statement represents irony, we need to understand the definition of irony. Irony is a literary device where there is a contradiction between what is expected to happen and what actually happens.

In the given scenario, Della cuts off her long, beautiful hair and sells it to buy a watch chain for her husband's prized pocket watch. However, Jim sells his pocket watch to buy an ornate brush for Della. This creates a situation where Della's sacrifice of her hair becomes unnecessary because Jim sold his watch. This unexpected outcome can be seen as ironic, as it goes against what one might expect to happen in a situation where a sacrificial act is made.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Yes, this statement represents irony.