rolling a number cube and tossing a coin

is this independent or dependent?

yes, because neither event affects the other.

Unless maybe you toss the coin and it lands on the cube . . .

Reanna ily

To determine whether rolling a number cube and tossing a coin are independent or dependent events, we need to understand the concept of independence in probability.

Two events are considered independent if the occurrence or outcome of one event does not affect the occurrence or outcome of the other event. In other words, the probability of one event happening does not change based on the outcome of the other event.

In this case, rolling a number cube and tossing a coin are independent events. The result of rolling a number cube, such as getting a 3, has no impact on the outcome of tossing a coin, such as getting heads or tails. Similarly, the outcome of tossing a coin does not affect the result of rolling a number cube. The probabilities for each event can be determined separately and multiplied to find the probability of both events occurring simultaneously.

For example, if the number cube has 6 sides and the coin is fair (has an equal chance of landing on heads or tails), the probability of rolling a 3 and getting heads on the coin toss would be (1/6) * (1/2) = 1/12.

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