Below are the results of tossing a number cube 9 times. Find the experimental probability of tossing an odd number.


a. 4/9
b. 1/2
c. 5/9
d. 2/3 **

am i correct?


There are only 5 odd numbers and 9 total numbers

The answer is 5/9 duh
Lol 😂😭

It's 5/9

You're Welcome :)

it’s 5/9 ig

To find the experimental probability of tossing an odd number, we need to determine the number of times an odd number was obtained and divide it by the total number of trials.

Looking at the results, we can see that the odd numbers obtained are: 3, 5, and 1. So, there are 3 odd numbers.

The total number of trials is 9 because the number cube was tossed 9 times.

Now we can calculate the experimental probability of tossing an odd number:

Experimental probability = Number of desired outcomes / Total number of trials

Number of desired outcomes = 3
Total number of trials = 9

Experimental probability = 3/9

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

Experimental probability = 1/3

So, the correct answer would be:

d. 1/3

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So you have to count all the numbers which is 9 and then count all the odd and that is 6/9 and then u simplify and it’s D

sadasdas dASd anuidh nasdhwboadkacahiwudfgawbdbkawd

gee, impatient much?

You are incorrect. Of the 9 tosses, how many are odd? You must have miscounted.