It’s been widely reported that having a positive attitude will improve a person’s ________.

A. Physical health

B. Mental health

C. Grade point average

D. Both A and B


I disagree.

Yes, D.


D because with a positive attitude you can help improve your physical health and also boosts your mental health

Yes, the correct answer is D. Both A and B. Having a positive attitude can indeed improve both a person's physical health and mental health. A positive attitude has been associated with better stress management, increased resilience, improved immune function, and lower risk of chronic diseases, all of which contribute to better physical health. Additionally, a positive attitude can help individuals have better emotional well-being, increased happiness, improved relationships, and reduced symptoms of mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, thereby enhancing their mental health. Therefore, having a positive attitude can have a positive impact on both a person's physical and mental well-being.