1. Leo is highly motivated to improve his health. He recently made changes to his diet, and he’s considering making changes to his physical environment. Which is a lifestyle choice that could impact Leo’s physical environment?

a. Schedule more frequent well care visits.
b. Avoid sitting for long periods of time.
c. Move within walking distance of work.
d. Eat vegetables from a local garden.

c. Move within walking distance of work.

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To determine which choice could impact Leo's physical environment, we need to understand what each choice involves:

a. Schedule more frequent well care visits: This choice involves visiting the doctor more often, which can impact Leo's healthcare but not necessarily his physical environment.

b. Avoid sitting for long periods of time: This choice involves being more active and avoiding sedentary behavior. While it can impact Leo's health, it does not directly impact his physical environment.

c. Move within walking distance of work: This choice involves changing Leo's living situation by moving closer to his workplace. Moving to a location where he can walk to work can have a direct impact on Leo's physical environment by encouraging more physical activity and reducing reliance on vehicles.

d. Eat vegetables from a local garden: This choice involves incorporating local and fresh produce into Leo's diet, which can impact his health but does not directly impact his physical environment.

Based on the explanations, the lifestyle choice that could impact Leo's physical environment is c. Move within walking distance of work.