What role does ovaries play in the homeostasis subject, and what other reaearch about the ovaries is currently taking place?

Your question begs for explaination. What does " in the homeostatis subject" mean, it makes no sense.

1) you need to define what system of homeostatis you are interested in.

2) you need to become familiar with the interrelationship of FSH and the ovaries reaction to it.

3) read about the hormones produced by the ovaries: http://www.sharedjourney.com/define/ova.html
4) Once you have defined what about ovaries you are studying, then do a research analysis on that subject. Google first, but your college librarian probably can search the research literature for you in her library systems.


The ovaries play a crucial role in homeostasis, primarily in maintaining the balance of hormones within the female body. Hormones produced by the ovaries, such as estrogen and progesterone, regulate the menstrual cycle, control the development of sexual characteristics, and help maintain the overall reproductive health in women.

As for current research about the ovaries, several areas of study are being pursued:

1. Ovarian Function and Ageing: Researchers are investigating how the ovaries function as women age and the impact of hormonal changes on their overall health and well-being.

2. Ovarian Disorders and Diseases: Studies are being conducted on various disorders affecting the ovaries, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and ovarian cancer, to better understand their causes, diagnostic methods, treatment options, and potential preventive measures.

3. Fertility and Reproductive Technologies: Ongoing research focuses on assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and ovarian stimulation, to improve success rates, minimize risks, and expand options for women trying to conceive.

4. Hormonal Therapies: Researchers are evaluating the effectiveness and safety of hormonal therapies, including hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and contraceptives, to manage menopause symptoms, promote reproductive health, and prevent certain cancers.

5. Ovarian Tissue Engineering: Advancements in tissue engineering aim to develop techniques to grow ovarian tissues or follicles in vitro, potentially providing an alternative approach to treat infertility or preserve fertility in women undergoing cancer treatments.

These areas of research contribute to furthering our understanding of the physiological functions of the ovaries and the development of new treatments and interventions for various ovarian-related conditions.