In this study I will argue that prolonged exposure of social oppression and subjugation is the basis is for the African- American women limited participation in society’s political system. I will support my argument by providing a detailed analysis of the impact of social powerlessness and devalued racial identity focusing on racism sexism and economic oppression and its impact upon African-American women who experience these oppressions simultaneously. Thus, these experiences leave African American women drained from both creativity and vision, preventing them from achieving any form of power respectively.

Delete the first six words of the first sentence.

Rephrase the second sentence so that it doesn't sound like a 3rd-grader; get rid of the "I will do this and that" type of phrasing.

Commas are needed in the series in the second sentence.

It seems like you are proposing a study in which you argue that prolonged exposure to social oppression and subjugation is the reason why African-American women have limited participation in society's political system. Your argument suggests that social powerlessness, devalued racial identity, racism, sexism, and economic oppression impact African-American women simultaneously, leaving them drained of creativity and vision, and ultimately preventing them from attaining power.

To support your argument, you will need to conduct a detailed analysis of these various forms of oppression and their impact on African-American women. Here is a suggested approach to developing your study:

1. Research existing literature: Start by conducting a thorough review of existing literature on the topic. Look for scholarly articles, books, and studies that discuss social oppression, racial identity, racism, sexism, economic oppression, and their intersectional effects on African-American women. This will help you understand the existing research and arguments surrounding your topic.

2. Develop a research question: Define a clear research question that will guide your study. For example, "How does prolonged exposure to social oppression and subjugation impact the political participation of African-American women?" This will help you focus your research and analysis.

3. Gather data: Decide on the methodology you will use to gather relevant data. This could include interviews, surveys, quantitative data analysis, or a combination of approaches. Consider targeting African-American women who have firsthand experiences with social oppression and limited political participation to gain insights into their experiences.

4. Analyze the data: Once you have collected your data, analyze it to identify patterns, themes, and connections. Look for evidence that supports your argument and helps answer your research question. Use appropriate statistical analyses, qualitative coding, or other methods to make sense of your findings.

5. Interpret the results: Based on your analysis, interpret the results of your study and relate them back to your research question. Discuss how prolonged exposure to social oppression, racial identity, racism, sexism, and economic oppression impacts African-American women in their political participation. Use quotations or direct examples from your data to strengthen your arguments.

6. Discuss implications and recommendations: Conclude your study by discussing the implications of your findings. Reflect on the broader societal implications of the limited political participation of African-American women and propose recommendations for addressing the issues identified. This may include policy changes, awareness campaigns, or further research suggestions.

Remember to provide adequate citations and references throughout your study to acknowledge the sources that informed your arguments. Good luck with your research!