Hi ,

I am having a very difficult time finding an article that contains a misconception about evolution . The article had to be be published within in this past year.
Please help !!! thank you!!

I don't know how you'll find one published within the past year, but you might try searching here:


The most common misconception I've ever heard of is that humans are descended from apes.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you find an article that contains a misconception about evolution. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to search for such an article that was published within the past year:

1. Start by selecting a reliable search engine or database that provides access to scholarly articles. Some popular options include Google Scholar, PubMed, or JSTOR.

2. Once you've chosen a platform, enter relevant keywords into the search bar. In this case, you could try keywords such as "misconception about evolution," "controversial views on evolution," or "false beliefs about evolution."

3. To narrow down your search to recent articles, look for filtering options such as "publication date" or "year" on the search results page. Select the option that allows you to specify the desired timeframe, which, in this case, would be within the last year.

4. Browse through the search results and carefully evaluate the articles. It's essential to critically assess the credibility of the sources and their authors. Check if the articles are published in reputable journals or by credible authors in the field of evolutionary biology.

5. Read the abstracts or summaries of the articles to get an overview of their content. This will help you determine if they contain the desired misconception about evolution.

6. Once you've found an article that meets your criteria, click on the title to access the full text. If the article is not freely available, you may need institutional access or consider purchasing it.

Remember, it's crucial to approach any claims or misconceptions about scientific topics like evolution with a critical mindset. It's advisable to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Good luck with your search!