alphonus and larry are discussing start menu commands.alphonus will go to the control panel to see a display of all local and remore drives.larry will go to computer to make changes to some computer settings.who is correct

my answer is a

please help

I agree.

in windows 7 what button do you click first to view the programs avaible on the computer

b.start menu
start orb
d.all programs

my answer is d

In Win 7, before you can click on All Programs, there's another button you have to click on ... what is it?

start menu

What does "start orb" mean?

To determine who is correct, let's understand the role of the Control Panel and Computer in Windows and how they relate to the start menu commands.

The Control Panel is a centralized location in Windows where users can modify various computer settings. It provides access to a wide range of options, including settings related to hardware, software, network, security, and more. It does not display a list of local and remote drives.

On the other hand, the "Computer" option in the start menu is used to open Windows File Explorer, which shows a list of drives, including local and remote drives, along with other folders and files present on the computer.

Based on this information, we can conclude that neither Alphonus nor Larry is correct. Alphonus mentioned that going to the Control Panel would display a list of all local and remote drives, which is incorrect. Larry's statement about accessing and changing computer settings, though relevant to the Control Panel, is not associated with the Computer option in the start menu.

Therefore, the correct answer is (a) neither of them, as neither of their statements accurately describes the purpose or function of the respective start menu commands.