The primary structure of proteins is often described as "amino acids connected like beads on a string". In this same vein, which of the following images best describes a protein's quaternary structure?

and your choices? Consider 3D folding.

To determine which of the given images best describes a protein's quaternary structure, we need to understand what the quaternary structure of a protein is. The quaternary structure refers to the arrangement and interactions of multiple protein subunits, also known as polypeptide chains, to form a functional protein complex.

To visualize the quaternary structure, we can use a helpful analogy. Imagine a Lego model composed of several individual Lego pieces. Each Lego piece represents a protein subunit, and the complete Lego model represents the functional protein complex.

Now, let's examine the provided images to see which one best fits this analogy.

Image 1: A single-line drawing with multiple arrows pointing towards each other.
Image 2: A chain-link fence with connected links.
Image 3: A stack of pancakes with layers on top of each other.
Image 4: A set of different colored building blocks interconnected to form a structure.

Out of these images, Image 4 - a set of different colored building blocks interconnected to form a structure - best describes the quaternary structure of a protein. This image illustrates multiple protein subunits (building blocks) interconnecting to form a functional protein complex (structure). Like the Lego model, the protein complex's quaternary structure is built by the interaction of its individual subunits.

Therefore, Image 4 is the most appropriate visual representation of a protein's quaternary structure.