I've read examples (and seen movie examples), but I'm still having trouble with the idea of writing a story within a story. Basically, a girl is writing a story about a boy, and he eventually LEARNS that he's being written about. So how do I write his story with hers being more important? Like, she's going to write herself in so he can meet her. (If that made any sense at all.) If you have any tips on how to write something like that, please help!

The primary way in which this is done ... both in stories and in film ... is by means of flashbacks.


Hmmm....flashbacks would make sense. (I seem to recall that in The Neverending Story, which is what I'm mostly using as a reference.) Do you, personally, think it would be better to make the writer's story flashbacks (so that the main character she's writing about will have more of the main story?) Then perhaps she can write herself in and it would make more sense...?

Yes, I think that would work just fine.



Hello! How may I help you today?

Which of the following story sequences makes the most sense?

2 points
A boy finds a baby squirrel; The boy brings the squirrel home; The boy feeds and raises the squirrel; The boy releases the grown squirrel
A boy brings the squirrel home; The boy finds a baby squirrel; The boy feeds and raises the squirrel; The boy releases the grown squirrel
A boy brings the squirrel home; The boy finds a baby squirrel; The boy releases the grown squirrel; The boy feeds and raises the squirrel
A boy finds a baby squirrel; The boy releases the grown squirrel; The boy brings the squirrel home; The boy feeds and raises the squirrel;

The first sequence makes the most sense: A boy finds a baby squirrel; The boy brings the squirrel home; The boy feeds and raises the squirrel; The boy releases the grown squirrel. This sequence follows a logical order: the boy finds the baby squirrel, brings it home, takes care of it, and releases the grown squirrel once it is ready to survive on its own.

Identify two transitions in the following paragraph and determine if each transition tells about time or place.

stuart clicked the remote and switched channels he could hear his sisters music blaring from upstairs all of a sudden the music stoped
Stuart clicked - time; All of a sudden - place
switched channels - time; from upstairs - place
from upstairs - place; All of a sudden - time
from upstairs - time; All of a sudden - place

Stuart clicked - time; switched channels - time

Complete the following sentence with a transition that shows sequence of events.

At the recital, Shefali played a short nocturne on the piano. ____________, her sister performed on the violin.
2 points
In the other room
On the other hand