Imagineering Newton’s Three Laws.

Watch the video in class, or follow this link and find examples of the following concepts from the movie:
1. Net force- 2 examples

2. Friction- 3 examples

3. Gravity- 2 examples

4. Newton’s 1st law: Inertia- 4 examples

5. Newton’s 2nd law: f=ma- 4 examples

6. Newton’s 3rd law: action/ reaction- 4 examples

7. Write something you learned and something you still have questions about.

Something I learned from watching the video is that Newton's Three Laws of Motion are fundamental principles that explain how objects move and interact with each other. I also learned that these laws apply to everyday situations and can be observed in actions as simple as throwing a ball or pushing a cart.

One question I still have is how these laws can be applied to more complex systems or scenarios, such as in outer space or in situations involving multiple interacting objects. I am curious about how engineers and scientists use Newton's laws to design and analyze technologies and systems in the real world.