Write an essay with an introduction, six (6) paragraphs and a conclusion (not more than 1000 words in total) applying all module content to the career webinar. The link to the webinar is here: or you can watch the video in this folder.

Analyse the career webinar:

In the six body paragraphs of your essay, you must analyse the webinar, making use of all the content we have covered in this course. Watch the video carefully or refer to the notes you made on the day and identify/discuss the following areas of Communication Science:

Apply the transactional model of Communication to the webinar. For example, how is the message being sent (The Channel)? Remember to apply all the aspects of the model.
Choose one of the speakers. What was your first impression of this speaker? Why do you think you perceived the speaker in this way? Apply the perception process to the webinar.
What did the speaker do well in terms of verbal communication? What did the speaker not do well in terms of verbal communication? What can he/she do to improve it? List one problem and a solution for verbal communication.
What two aspects of the speaker’s nonverbal communication stood out to you? Give the speaker two tips on how to improve their nonverbal communication
During the question-and-answer session, what did you notice about the speaker’s listening skills? How can they become a better listener? List two ways in which they can improve their listening skills.
In which context of communication did this situation take place? Explain your answer.
In your introduction you should introduce the topic/analysis of the webinar. Your paragrap

hs should then build on each other, discussing different aspects of communication science and how they apply to the webinar. In your conclusion, you should summarize your analysis and provide a final evaluation of the webinar overall.

The career webinar in question is a useful tool for those interested in pursuing a career in healthcare sales. The webinar is filled with informative tips and tricks on how to succeed in this industry. Applying the transactional model of Communication to the webinar, we can identify the sender as the presenter, the receiver as the audience, the message as the information shared in the webinar, the channel as the means through which the message is conveyed, and the feedback as the questions asked by the audience. It is apparent that this model is continuously at work throughout the webinar. The channel is voice and slides. The feedback is evident through the many questions asked, which shows that the message is received in real time.

Upon watching the webinar, one of the speakers caught my attention. At first glance, I found the speaker to be confident and knowledgeable. Applying the perception process to the webinar, we can deduce that my impression of the speaker was influenced by the way he spoke and his body language. The speaker appeared well-prepared, which reflects organizational skills and overall competence.

In terms of verbal communication, the speaker did an excellent job of conveying his message. The speaker was clear and concise, with well-organized ideas. However, there was a moment where the speaker stumbled over his words, leading to a bit of confusion among the attendees. This could be improved by the speaker rehearsing his speech more often and ensuring that he gets enough rest beforehand.

Regarding nonverbal communication, two aspects stood out; the first was the speaker's eye contact with the attendees. The speaker was confident and made eye contact throughout the webinar, which helped him appear confident and engaged with the audience. However, the speaker's posture did not show enough confidence and came across as a bit timid. I would advise the speaker to invest more in his posture and try to focus on standing tall and right with confidence, as this would help him feel more at ease.

The speaker's listening skills were impressive, as he listened actively to all the questions and provided well thought-out answers. However, improving listening skills is always possible, and there are two specific things this speaker could do to improve; first, he could take more time to reflect on his audience's question. This will allow him to ensure that he understands their concerns fully. Second, he could take notes on the questions as attendees ask them. This will enable him to ensure he answered all of the questions effectively.

In terms of context, the situation takes place in a professional environment centered around healthcare sales. The presenter and attendees are all leading professionals in their respective fields, aiming to learn from one another and share knowledge.

In conclusion, the career webinar was a helpful and effective tool for anyone interested in pursuing a career in healthcare sales. The transactional model of communication was at work throughout the webinar, and several aspects of communication science were evident. Despite the most important areas examined, such as verbal and non-verbal communication, listening skills, and the perception process applied to the speakers. We hope that attendees can benefit significantly from this career webinar, and it can help them succeed in their careers.


The career webinar analyzed in this essay provides valuable insights into the application of Communication Science principles. By applying the transactional model of communication, analyzing speaker perceptions, assessing verbal and nonverbal communication, evaluating listening skills, and examining the communication context, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the webinar's effectiveness. This essay will delve into each of these areas, highlighting key observations and offering potential improvements for the speaker's communication skills.

Body Paragraph 1: Transactional Model of Communication

The transactional model of communication is evident throughout the webinar, showcasing the dynamic exchange of messages between the speaker and the audience. The speaker uses multiple channels for message delivery, including visual aids, speech, and interactive chat features. The message is contextual and can be decoded differently by each participant. The feedback loop is present as the speaker incorporates audience questions and comments, demonstrating the transactional nature of the communication process.

Body Paragraph 2: Perception Process and Speaker Impressions

Upon initial impression, one of the speakers appeared confident and engaging. This perception may be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the speaker maintained eye contact, exuded a confident posture, and utilized gestures to emphasize key points. These nonverbal cues conveyed credibility and expertise. Additionally, the speaker's clear and concise verbal delivery further contributed to the positive perception.

Body Paragraph 3: Verbal Communication Strengths and Weaknesses

The speaker demonstrated strong verbal communication skills by utilizing appropriate language and a well-structured presentation. However, there were moments of unclear articulation, leading to some confusion among the audience. To improve this, the speaker could focus on slowing down their speech and enunciating words more distinctly. This would enhance overall clarity and understanding for the audience.

Body Paragraph 4: Nonverbal Communication Tips for Improvement

Two aspects of the speaker's nonverbal communication stood out: facial expressions and body language. The speaker could enhance their nonverbal communication by being mindful of facial expressions, ensuring they align with the message being conveyed. Additionally, conscious control of body language, such as avoiding excessive fidgeting or distracting movements, would help maintain audience engagement and convey professionalism.

Body Paragraph 5: Listening Skills

During the question-and-answer session, the speaker exhibited effective listening skills. They actively listened by maintaining eye contact, nodding to show understanding, and taking notes. However, at times, interruptions occurred when the speaker was eager to provide an immediate response. To become a better listener, the speaker can practice patience and fully allow the questioner to finish before responding. They can also summarize or paraphrase what was said to demonstrate attentive listening.

Body Paragraph 6: Context of Communication

This situation took place within the professional context of communication. The speaker shared career advice, discussed industry trends, and responded to audience inquiries, all of which are integral to the professional domain. The webinar aimed to facilitate knowledge sharing and provide guidance to individuals navigating their careers. The use of a chat feature and interactive components accentuated the online nature of the communication context.


In conclusion, the analysis of the career webinar revealed the application of various Communication Science principles. The transactional model of communication underpinned the dynamic interaction between the speaker and the audience, emphasizing the importance of feedback and message interpretation. The speaker's initial impression, verbal and nonverbal communication, and listening skills all contributed to the overall effectiveness of the webinar. By identifying areas for improvement, such as clearer articulation, enhanced nonverbal cues, and improved listening techniques, the speaker can further enhance their communication skills. Understanding the context in which the communication took place enables a deeper appreciation of the webinar's significance within the professional arena.