Which choice shows the correct organization of an essay?(1 point) Responses introduction, body, conclusion introduction, body, conclusion conclusion, introduction, body conclusion, introduction, body body, introduction, conclusion body, introduction, conclusion conclusion, body, introduction

The correct organization of an essay is: introduction, body, conclusion.

The correct organization of an essay is:

Introduction, Body, Conclusion

The correct organization of an essay typically follows the structure of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This structure allows for a clear and logical flow of ideas.

To determine the correct choice among the given options, we need to identify the arrangement that follows the introduction, body, and conclusion structure.

Let's evaluate each option:

1) Introduction, body, conclusion: This option follows the correct organization of an essay.

2) Conclusion, introduction, body: This option deviates from the typical structure by placing the conclusion before the introduction. This arrangement would disrupt the logical flow of the essay.

3) Conclusion, introduction, body: This option also departs from the standard structure by placing the conclusion first, followed by the introduction and body. Again, this order disrupts the logical flow of the essay.

4) Conclusion, introduction, body: Similar to the previous options, this choice places the conclusion before the introduction. This arrangement would not be appropriate for an essay.

5) Body, introduction, conclusion: This option deviates from the typical structure by starting with the body paragraphs before the introduction. This arrangement would also disrupt the logical flow of the essay.

6) Body, introduction, conclusion: This option follows the correct organization of an essay.

7) Conclusion, body, introduction: This option deviates from the standard structure by placing the conclusion before the body paragraphs and the introduction. This arrangement would not be suitable for an essay.

Based on the evaluation, the correct choice showing the correct organization of an essay is:

- Option 1: Introduction, body, conclusion.

Now that we have identified the correct choice, we can conclude that the organization of an essay should typically follow an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.