You are in charge of making punch for an upcoming school dance. The punch recipe makes 5 cups of punch by mixing 3 cups of cranberry juice with 2 cups of apple juice.

What is the ratio of cranberry juice to apple juice?



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To find the ratio of cranberry juice to apple juice in the punch recipe, you need to divide the amount of cranberry juice by the amount of apple juice.

The recipe calls for 3 cups of cranberry juice and 2 cups of apple juice.

So, the ratio of cranberry juice to apple juice is 3 cups : 2 cups.

To simplify the ratio, you can divide both numbers by their common factor, which is 1 cup.

Dividing 3 cups by 1 cup gives you 3, and dividing 2 cups by 1 cup gives you 2.

Therefore, the simplified ratio of cranberry juice to apple juice is 3:2.