Describe the sentence structure Stephen Lautens uses in "A Thankless Experience". Support your view with examples from the essay.

This is the story:
A Thankless experience by Stephen Lautens this story is on the internet I was about to post the url but jiskha does not allow posting it.

I only need one sentence structure please help me stuck on this question for a long time.

It looks as if nearly all his sentences are ~

~ complete and
~ simple or
~ complex

Is that what you're after?


Yes this is the short essay. Thanks so much

In order to determine the sentence structure used by Stephen Lautens in "A Thankless Experience," you can analyze the essay for various sentence types and patterns. One common sentence structure often employed is the simple sentence, which consists of a subject and a verb. For instance, in the essay, Lautens uses simple sentences to convey straightforward information, such as when he states, "I drove my daughter to her babysitting job and then left to run some errands in the city." In this example, the subject is "I," and the verb is "drove."

Another sentence structure utilized by Lautens is the compound sentence, which combines two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon. For example, he writes, "I arrived back at the store, parked my car, and realized that the parking attendant was standing beside my window asking if I had forgotten something." In this sentence, the two independent clauses are "I arrived back at the store" and "I realized that the parking attendant was standing beside my window asking if I had forgotten something." They are connected by the coordinating conjunction "and."

Additionally, Lautens incorporates complex sentences into his writing. A complex sentence consists of an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. One instance where he uses this structure is when he explains, "I asked her how long she had been waiting, and she replied that she had been standing there since I left this morning." In this sentence, the main clause is "I asked her how long she had been waiting," and the dependent clause is "she replied that she had been standing there since I left this morning."

By analyzing these examples, it becomes evident that Stephen Lautens employs a mixture of simple, compound, and complex sentence structures to effectively convey his ideas and experiences in "A Thankless Experience."