How is the word street used in the sentence below:

Street cleaners can often be seen on our block in the very early morning.

Am I right Ms.Sue?


Yes, it's serving as an adjective here.

Take the sentence apart. First find the subject and verb.

subj = cleaners
verb = can be seen

Which word is "street" describing? Since it's describing the subject (which is a noun), it must be an adjective.

Ok, Thank you so much ^.^



Actually, the word "street" in the sentence is used as a noun. It refers to the public road in a town or city that vehicles drive on.

To determine this, you can identify the part of speech of a word by considering its function in the sentence and its definition. In this case, "street" identifies a place or a thing, which makes it a noun. It is not an adjective, adverb, pronoun, or any other part of speech.

So, the correct answer is: noun.