Use the sentence to answer the question.

The people in the parade walked down the street all in step with one another.

Which precise word would best replace the underlined word?

(1 point)





Unit 7-Lesson 11: details quick check

1. Marched
2. To describe exactly what they mean in writing
3. Immense and treacherous
4. Adjectives and adverbs
5. Thesaurus

@ YW:) Is right thx!

Yw is correct thank you

@"Yw :)" IS 100000000000000% CORRECT GUYS!!! thx bro!

Yw was right. Thanks.

Here is the answer. Have a great day everyone!

. The people in the parade walked down the street all in step with one another.
Which precise word would best replace the underlined word?
Answer: marched

2. Why do writers use precise words?
Answer: to describe exactly what they mean in writing

3. Anabelle could see that the immense ship was headed directly for the treacherous rocks.
Which words in the sentence are descriptive?
Answer: immense and treacherous

4. Which of the following are usually considered descriptive words?
Answer: adjectives and adverbs

5. Which resource is used to find synonyms?
Answer: thesaurus
yes, they are correct...


Thanks YW;)

Ty Anonymous 100%

sup Kakashi