There's a table that says Company A charges $0.36 plus 0.03. And Company B charges $0.06 per minute. The question Im having problems with are:

How long is a call that costs the same amount no matter which company is used? Be sure to show your thinking?

I assume you mean A is .36 + .03 per minute

A cost = .36 + .03 t
B cost = .06 t
they are the same when
.36 + .03 t = .06 t
.03 t = .36
t = 12 minutes

To find out how long a call is that costs the same amount no matter which company is used, we need to set up an equation and solve for the unknown variable, which in this case is the call duration.

Let's start with Company A's charging formula: $0.36 + $0.03 per minute. This means that for every minute of the call, the cost increases by $0.03.

Now, let's set up an equation where x represents the call duration in minutes:

Cost of call with Company A: $0.36 + ($0.03 * x)
Cost of call with Company B: $0.06 * x

We want to find the value of x (call duration) that makes both equations equal. So, we'll set the two expressions equal to each other:

$0.36 + ($0.03 * x) = $0.06 * x

Now, we'll solve the equation step by step to find the value of x:

1. Subtract $0.03x from both sides:

$0.36 = $0.06x - $0.03x

2. Combine like terms:

$0.36 = $0.03x

3. Divide both sides by $0.03 to isolate x:

x = $0.36 / $0.03

4. Simplify the right-hand side of the equation:

x = 12

Therefore, a call that costs the same amount no matter which company is used is 12 minutes long.