Can someone help me!

The word metaphor comes from the Greek prefix meta-, meaning “across,” and pherein, meaning “to carry.” Which of the following words does not contain the Greek prefix meta-?

a. metaphysics
b. metamorphosis
c. metallic <---- my answer
d. metabolism

I think you are right. The answer is metallic

"c" is correct, yes.

To determine which of the following words does not contain the Greek prefix meta-, we need to understand the meaning of the prefix and examine the given words.

The Greek prefix meta- means "across" or "beyond." It is commonly used in words to indicate a change, transformation, or transfer from one state to another.

Let's now analyze the given words:

a. metaphysics: This word contains the Greek prefix meta-. Metaphysics refers to the branch of philosophy that deals with the fundamental nature of reality, including abstract concepts such as existence, causality, and mind-body dualism.

b. metamorphosis: This word also contains the Greek prefix meta-. Metamorphosis refers to a complete change in form or nature. It is commonly used to describe the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

c. metallic: This word does not contain the Greek prefix meta-. Metallic refers to the characteristics or properties of metal. The prefix "meta-" is not present in this word.

d. metabolism: This word contains the Greek prefix meta-. Metabolism refers to the chemical reactions that occur in the body to convert food into energy for various physiological functions.

Therefore, based on the given information, the word that does not contain the Greek prefix meta- is "c. metallic".