Which of the following is the definition of the word prefix? (1 point)

O an affix added to the end of a word root

O a basic word part that often comes from Greek or Latin

an affix added at the beginning of a word root

word part added at the beginning or end of a word root that changes the word's meaning

an affix added at the beginning of a word root

The definition of the word "prefix" is: an affix added at the beginning of a word root.

The correct definition of the word prefix is "an affix added at the beginning of a word root." To determine the correct answer, we can break down the options and analyze their meanings:

Option 1: "An affix added to the end of a word root." This does not match the definition of a prefix, as a prefix is added at the beginning of a word, not the end.

Option 2: "A basic word part that often comes from Greek or Latin." This describes a word root, not a prefix. A word root is the basic word part that often holds the core meaning of a word and is derived from Greek or Latin.

Option 3: "An affix added at the beginning of a word root." This matches the definition of a prefix. A prefix is a word part that is added at the beginning of a word root, altering the word's meaning.

Option 4: "A word part added at the beginning or end of a word root that changes the word's meaning." This is a broader definition that includes both prefixes and suffixes. A prefix is specifically a word part added at the beginning of a word root.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3: "an affix added at the beginning of a word root."

this dude is correct but hes typing a essay so i kinda get it BUT KINDA DONT LIKE ..