20.Proma earned $82 last week. She earned $6 each hour and received a bonus of $10 for exceptional work. Which equation can be used to find h the number of hours Proma worked last week



I'm not sure how to solve this one.

Wouldn't you multiply her hourly wage by the number of hours she worked?

To find the number of hours Proma worked last week, we can use the equation. Let's go through each option and see which one is correct.

Option A: 6h + 10 = 82
This equation represents the amount Proma earned, which includes the hourly rate and the bonus. However, it does not provide us with the number of hours worked. Therefore, this option is not correct.

Option B: 6h - 10 = 82
This equation also represents the amount Proma earned, but in this case, the bonus is subtracted instead of added. Again, this equation does not help us find the number of hours worked. Thus, this option is not correct.

Option C: 10h + 6 = 82
This equation represents the amount Proma earned, with the hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours worked and the bonus added. It correctly expresses the situation and allows us to find the number of hours worked. Therefore, this is the correct option.

Option D: 10h - 6 = 82
This equation represents the amount Proma earned, with the hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours worked and the bonus subtracted. However, this equation does not match the given information. Thus, this option is not correct.

In conclusion, the equation that can be used to find the number of hours Proma worked last week is C. 10h + 6 = 82.