at a shopkeper advertise buy two get one free what is the discount percent?

To calculate the discount percentage for the "buy two get one free" offer, you need to determine the proportion of the discount compared to the original price. Here's how you can do it:

1. Identify the original price of the items you are purchasing. Let's say the original price of each item is $10.
2. Determine the number of items you need to buy to avail the offer. In this case, it is two items because you get one item for free.
3. Calculate the total cost of buying two items. 2 items * $10/item = $20.
4. Calculate the discount. With the offer, you receive one item for free, which is equivalent to $10.
5. Calculate the discounted price. Subtract the discount from the total cost. $20 - $10 = $10.
6. Determine the percentage discount. Divide the discount amount by the original price, then multiply by 100. $10 / $30 * 100 = 33.33%.

So, the discount percentage for the "buy two get one free" offer in this case is approximately 33.33%.