I have two separate questions that I am having trouble answering...

Why is Roman law often considered to be the greatest contribution of the Romans to the modern world?

Also, I have to find image, style, tone, setting, and theme within the book The Hunger Games! I have the information for style, tone, setting and theme, but am having trouble find image! I found examples of imagery but my teacher said that wasn't correct


I can't help you with Hunger Games. Sorry. The whole premise of the book was too grisly for my tastes. Its summary reminded me of the short story "The Lottery," and that was enough for me!

Sure! Let's tackle your questions one by one.

1. Why is Roman law often considered to be the greatest contribution of the Romans to the modern world?

To answer this question, you can follow these steps:
- Start by researching the key aspects of Roman law. This includes looking into its origins, its development, and its influence on subsequent legal systems.
- Investigate the impact of Roman law on modern legal systems. Look at how concepts such as the rule of law, the right to a fair trial, and the principle of justice have been influenced by Roman law.
- Compare Roman law with other legal systems that existed during ancient times. This will help highlight the unique characteristics and advancements of Roman law.
- Consider the lasting legacy of Roman law in terms of its principles and institutions. Reflect on how many aspects of modern legal systems can be traced back to Roman law.

By following these steps, you should be able to form a comprehensive answer explaining why Roman law is often considered the greatest contribution of the Romans to the modern world.

2. Finding image, style, tone, setting, and theme in the book The Hunger Games.

Let's break down each element and explain how to identify them in a book:

- Imagery: Imagery refers to vivid descriptions that use sensory details to create mental images for the readers. To identify imagery in The Hunger Games, look for passages that use sensory language to describe people, places, and events. For example, descriptions of the Capitol's lavish outfits, the gritty reality of District 12, or the thrilling action sequences in the arena.
- Style: Style refers to the author's unique way of writing. In this case, focus on Suzanne Collins' writing style. Look for patterns, techniques, and overall tone in her writing. Pay attention to sentence structure, word choice, and the overall flow of the narrative.
- Tone: Tone is the author's attitude towards the subject matter or the emotional atmosphere of the story. It influences the reader's perception and sets the overall mood. To identify tone, consider the narrator's voice, dialogue, and the emotions evoked by the story. For example, The Hunger Games might have a tone of suspense, intensity, rebellion, or dystopia.
- Setting: Setting refers to the time, place, and environment in which a story takes place. To identify the setting in The Hunger Games, pay attention to the descriptions of District 12, the Capitol, the arena, or any other locations mentioned in the book. Consider the impact of the setting on the characters and the plot.
- Theme: Themes are underlying messages or central ideas explored in a book. To identify the themes in The Hunger Games, look for recurring motifs, symbols, character arcs, and the overall message portrayed by the story. Some potential themes in The Hunger Games could include survival, oppression, resistance, social inequality, or the corrupting influence of power.

Remember, each of these elements requires close reading and analysis of the text to fully understand them. Apply critical thinking and gather evidence from the story to support your findings.

I hope these explanations help you find the answers you're looking for!