The privatisation of public enterprises will lead to efficient management of resources in the economy. The statement can be best be described as

The statement can be best described as an assertion or a proposition. It expresses a belief that the privatization of public enterprises will result in the efficient management of resources in the economy.

To evaluate this statement, one should consider the following:

1. Research: Look for empirical evidence or studies that analyze the impact of privatization on resource management. This may involve examining case studies of countries or industries that have undergone privatization to assess their efficiency.

2. Definition of efficiency: Determine what is meant by "efficient management of resources." Efficiency can be measured in terms of financial performance, productivity, quality of service, or other relevant indicators. It is important to identify specific metrics to evaluate resource management.

3. Consider the goals of privatization: Privatization is often pursued to increase competition, improve productivity, stimulate investment, and reduce government intervention. Assess whether these objectives align with the notion of efficient resource management.

4. Consider potential drawbacks: While privatization can lead to more efficient resource allocation in some cases, it is essential to consider potential drawbacks. These may include higher prices, decreased access for certain segments of society, or negative impacts on employment.

By conducting research, defining efficiency, considering the goals of privatization, and evaluating potential drawbacks, one can critically assess the statement and form an informed opinion about whether privatization can indeed lead to efficient resource management in the economy.