Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A.Mom thinks we need to arrive by seven o’clock; but I don’t think that’s necessary.
B.We will end up waiting around for the others; that will be boring.
C.I think we should get there at eight o’clock, Dad agrees with me.

I think it is B

I agree.

Thank you


You are correct! Sentence B is punctuated correctly. Here's how you can verify it:

In this exercise, you are looking for a sentence that demonstrates proper punctuation. Let's go through each option and break them down:

A. "Mom thinks we need to arrive by seven o’clock; but I don’t think that’s necessary." In this sentence, the semicolon (;) is used correctly to separate two closely related independent clauses. However, the apostrophe in "o'clock" is incorrectly placed before the "s." The correct placement should be "o’clock."

B. "We will end up waiting around for the others; that will be boring." This sentence correctly uses a semicolon (;) to join two independent clauses. The second clause starts with a lowercase letter because it continues the thought from the first clause after the semicolon. This sentence is punctuated correctly.

C. "I think we should get there at eight o’clock, Dad agrees with me." This sentence uses a comma (,) to separate the main clause from the added clause, which is grammatically correct. However, because the second part of the sentence is a quotation, it would be better to enclose it in quotation marks (" "). Therefore, the correct punctuation for this sentence would be: "I think we should get there at eight o’clock"; Dad agrees with me.

So, in conclusion, sentence B is the one that is punctuated correctly.