Hi for my school work I have to say out of which three colonies experienced more freedom in the seventeenth century which is hard for me to explain.

The three colonies being New England,Dutch and Virginia/maryland

If anyone can help thank you

First of all, you need to get clear in your mind just exactly what the names of the 13 colonies were!


Read lots and take good notes. Let us know what you come up with.

Of course, I'm here to help! Explaining which of the three colonies - New England, Dutch, or Virginia/Maryland - experienced more freedom in the seventeenth century can be a bit challenging, but I can guide you through the process.

To determine which colony had more freedom, we need to delve into the political, social, and economic characteristics of each colony during that time period. Here are some key points you can consider:

1. Political Freedom:
- New England: The New England colonies, such as Massachusetts Bay Colony, had a Puritan influence and established theocratic governments. While they promoted religious freedom within their own sect, dissenting views were not always tolerated.
- Dutch: The Dutch colony, known as New Netherland, had a relatively liberal governance structure. It allowed for more religious diversity and even granted some political rights to free men, including property rights and the ability to elect local leaders.
- Virginia/Maryland: The Chesapeake colonies, including Virginia and Maryland, had a more hierarchical society, with power concentrated in the hands of large landowners. The Virginia colony operated under a system of royal governance, while Maryland had a proprietary system where religious freedom was primarily granted to Catholics.

2. Social Freedom:
- New England: The Puritan colonies upheld strict social norms and rigid social hierarchies. Individual expression and deviation from established norms were restricted, with emphasis on community values and moral conduct.
- Dutch: New Netherland exhibited greater social and ethnic diversity compared to other colonies. The Dutch colony attracted various European immigrants and engaged in trade partnerships with indigenous peoples, fostering some cultural exchange and tolerance.
- Virginia/Maryland: The Chesapeake colonies were marked by a more hierarchical and slave-based society, with a large population of enslaved Africans. Social mobility was limited, and the elite landowners controlled much of the economic and political power.

3. Economic Freedom:
- New England: The New England colonies relied heavily on agriculture, trade, and fishing. While they promoted the idea of the Protestant work ethic and self-sufficiency, a communal spirit often prevailed over individual economic freedom.
- Dutch: The Dutch colony of New Netherland had a strong focus on trade and commerce. The Dutch West India Company allowed economic freedom and encouraged entrepreneurial endeavors, attracting various merchants and traders.
- Virginia/Maryland: The Chesapeake colonies were primarily agrarian, with cash crop cultivation, particularly tobacco. There was a greater emphasis on individual land ownership and economic freedom among the elite plantation owners.

Overall, it's challenging to definitively determine which colony experienced more freedom as the concept of freedom can be subjective. You can weigh these factors and evaluate which colony's characteristics align more with your understanding of freedom in the seventeenth century.