Jack has the following scores on exams in his math class.

81, 87, 93, 89, 61, 81
If he wants to make his performance sound as good as possible, which measure should he use—the mean, the median, or the mode of his exam grades when he talks about how he is doing?

Mean 82

Median 3
Mode 81
The median? But I really do not understand it because it is such a low number? I am sorry I am trying to understand.

The mean is 82, You find that by adding all of the numbers together and then dividing by 6 (the Amount of numbers in the set)

The median is 84. You put the numbers in numerical order, and the middle numbers are 81,87…You add those together and then divide by two.
The mode is 81, It is the number seeing most in the data set.

mean, 82

median, 87

hope this helps! correct me if i'm wrong <3

SHAWTY there here for help not the cheep easy way out they want to learn and want help there nut just here to get the answers unlike some people i guess

The median is not 3. The median is the middle number of a set.

61, 81, 81, 87, 89, 93

The middle of this set is the number between 81 and 87 = 84

Literally agreeing with Anonymous

The mean is 82, the Median is 84, and the mode is 81 due to it being shown more times than the other number in the data set. For the last thing, you need to choose which makes his exam grades sound as good as possible. If you took this exam what would you say for it to sound that you did well on your exam?

I'd say 84 because it's the highest and sounds the best. So, I'd say the median is the best option from the last step.

It would have to be the median?

Umm... I believe the Mean is 82, the Median is 84, and the Mode is 81. I hope this helped!

The mean is 82

The median is 84
And the mode is 81
He should use the median to make his tests score sound the best

Tell me if I'm right
I hope this helps! :3

The mean?

What did you get for the mean, mode, and the median?

I thought if I couldn't get it to subtract 81-87? So I just put 81, 82, 83, 84, 87? Then go from there to get my middle? ok And the best sounds like it would difinietely be 84. I am going to go back to my chapter and see what I forgot. Thanks Ms. Sue!

Can someone help me explain it

Hey need help the B.median is 84

I cant wait for second christmas this summer

Can you answer the rest of the question

Mean is 82

Median is 84
The mode is 81

piamon on here? go back to genshin imact and wait for me B)


I got the same thing 3. our teacher we thought said to subtract the two middle and then divide it by two to get the median. We are confused.

Median is 84 guys.


You still need to explain

How do I find the mean so it says every number but there is no 82 in there can someone tell me?

81, 87, 93, 89, 61, 81

Mean: 82
Median: 84
Mode: 81

The answer should be median then.

anonymoose You are right

Is there anyone who can explain to me how they did it?

Can someone explain how you calculate all of them and compare and pick the measure that make his performance sound as good as possible

what is the correct answer please

Thank You

Tell me how you solved it

the mean is 82

the median is 84
and the mode is 81
also I would say the answer is the mode because it shows how many time he has gotten an 81, or you could say the mean or median your choice.

Response to 😈💕

and i think your right

You're welcome, Belle/Kristin.

So the answer is Mean 82

Median 87
Mode 81??

Figure out the mean, median, and mode. Which do you think shows his performance most to his advantage?

Yes @Someone named Bella, they're right