Maria has the following scores on exams and her social studies class 8675-97 58 94 and 58 find the mean and median and mode of the scores and should Maria social studies teacher use the main median or mode of the exam scores to convince Maria that she needs to study more regularly for her exams

To find the mean of the scores, we add them up and divide by the total number of scores:

8675 + 97 + 58 + 94 + 58 = 9382

9382/5 = 1876.4

So the mean score is 1876.4.

To find the median score, we first need to put the numbers in order from smallest to largest:

58, 58, 94, 97, 8675

There are five scores, so the median is the middle score. In this case, the middle score is 94.

To find the mode, we look for the score that appears most frequently. In this case, both 58 and 94 appear twice, so there are two modes: 58 and 94.

Maria's social studies teacher should use the mean score to convince Maria that she needs to study more regularly for her exams. This is because the mean takes into account all of the scores and gives an overall average. The median and mode may be affected by outliers (such as Maria's very high score of 8675), which could skew the data. The mean gives a more accurate representation of Maria's overall performance.

To find the mean, median, and mode of Maria's exam scores, let's follow these steps:

Step 1: Arrange the scores in ascending order:
58, 58, 94, 97, 8675

Step 2: Find the mean (average) of the scores:
Mean = (58 + 58 + 94 + 97 + 8675) / 5
= 8859 / 5
= 1771.8

Step 3: Find the median of the scores:
Since we have an odd number of scores, the median is the middle value.
Median = 94

Step 4: Find the mode of the scores:
The mode is the score that appears most frequently.
Mode = 58

Now, to answer the second part of your question, we need to analyze which measure (mean, median, or mode) Maria's social studies teacher should use to convince her to study more regularly.

1. Mean: The mean is affected by extreme values, so it may not be the best measure to use in this case. Maria's score of 8675 is significantly higher than the other scores, distorting the true average.

2. Median: The median is not affected by extreme values, so it can provide a more accurate representation of Maria's typical performance. As the median score is 94 and closer to the higher end of the values, it indicates that Maria performs relatively well on exams.

3. Mode: The mode represents the score that appears most frequently, and in this case, it is 58. However, since Maria's score of 58 appears twice, it might not be the best indicator of her overall performance.

Considering the above analysis, Maria's social studies teacher should use the median of the exam scores (94) to convince Maria that she needs to study more regularly for her exams.