Maria has the following scores on exams in her social studies class 86, 75, 97, 58, 94, and 58

A. find the mean, median, and mode of the scores.

B. Should Maria's social studies teacher use the mean, median, or mode of the exam scores to convince Maria that she needs to study more regularly for her exam?



Mode= 58 because it is the most frequent number. Median=86-75=11 because you put the numbers in order from least to greatest and grab the two middle numbers then subtract. And the mean is 468 divided by 6

equals 78 because you add all the numbers in the set and then divide it by how many numbers there are in the set which is 6.

Median 80.5

Mode 58
Mean 78

b: Uh, Mode since it is the lowest grade

I forgot the difference between mean median and mode


b: Uh, Mode since it is the lowest grade
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@( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)If you know why are you cheating? Stop being rude.

Oh thank you now I remember

it took me two hous to complete quizez on and two IF THEYJUST PUT THE ANSWERS ALL IN ONE LIKE EVERYBODY WAS ASKING I WOULDNT HAVE USED SO MUCH TIME AND MISS BREAKFAST! but, now im done so all is well that ends well UuU


@( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Thats real high and righteous coming from someone who is here to get answers too. And come on, watch your language pls!! So uncalled for.