complete each of the following:1.4 000=______=______tens 2.870 000=____ten thousands=______thousands 3.90 000 000=_____millions=______thousands 5. 5 600 000 000=_______hundred thousands=________hundreds

It's almost impossible to read your problem. Please separate each problem by hitting "Enter" after each one. That will put each problem on a separate line.

complete each of the following:

1.4 000=___hundreds=____tens
2.870 000=____ten thousands=____thousands
3.90 000 000=_____millions=____thousands
4. 5 600 000 000=______hundred thousads=______hundreds

4 000= __40_hundreds=__40__tens

870 000=_7_ten thousands=_70___thousands

I'll be glad to check your answers to the last two problems.

give the meaning of the underlined digit in each numeral.

1.471 904 327_______

note; 0 is underlined

There are no ten thousands.

There are zero one-hundred-thousandths.

There are four tenths, etc.

To complete the given statements, we need to determine the missing values for each expression. Let's break down each expression by place value to find the missing numbers:

1. 4 000 = ____ = ____ tens:

Starting with 4,000, we can see that it represents thousands. To convert thousands to tens, we divide by 100. So, 4,000 divided by 100 gives us 40. Therefore, 4,000 = 40 tens.

2. 870 000 = ____ ten thousands = ____ thousands:

In this expression, 870,000 represents hundreds of thousands. To find the number in ten thousands, we divide by 10. Thus, 870,000 divided by 10 equals 87,000. Therefore, 870,000 = 87 ten thousands.

Furthermore, since we've determined the value in ten thousands to be 87,000, we can find the thousands' value. We divide 87,000 by 10 to convert it to thousands, resulting in 8,700. Thus, 870,000 = 87 ten thousands = 8,700 thousands.

3. 90,000,000 = ____ millions = ____ thousands:

In this case, 90,000,000 represents tens of millions. To determine the number in millions, we again divide by 10. Hence, 90,000,000 divided by 10 gives us 9,000,000. Thus, 90,000,000 = 9 millions.

Similarly, to find the value in thousands, we divide 9,000,000 by 1,000. This gives us 9,000. So, 90,000,000 = 9 millions = 9,000 thousands.

5. 5,600,000,000 = _____ hundred thousands = ______ hundreds:

Starting with 5,600,000,000, we can see that it represents billions. To determine the value in hundred thousands, we need to divide by 10,000. Dividing 5,600,000,000 by 10,000 gives us 560,000. Therefore, 5,600,000,000 = 560 hundred thousands.

To calculate the value in hundreds, we divide 560,000 by 100. This yields 5,600. Thus, 5,600,000,000 = 560 hundred thousands = 5,600 hundreds.

So, the completed statements are as follows:

1. 4,000 = 40 tens.
2. 870,000 = 87 ten thousands = 8,700 thousands.
3. 90,000,000 = 9 millions = 9,000 thousands.
5. 5,600,000,000 = 560 hundred thousands = 5,600 hundreds.