23. "Vas a traer los refrescos?" "Sí, Voy a ____."

a. traerlo
b. traerlos
c. traerlas
d. traerla

24. Los estudiantes tienen que hacer fila para entrar en el _____.
a. asiento
b. oficina
c. cafeteria
d. auditorio

25. "¿Qué hay en la pared de tu sala de clases?" "Hay ____."
a. un mapa y un reloj
b. un reloj y un capitula
c. un armario y una página
d. un maa y una oficina

28. "¿Cuándo sueles cepillarte los dientes?" "Suelo ____ los dientes después de ciner t antes de acostarme."
a. cepillarte
b. cepillarme
c. cepillarse
d. me cepillo

23. Right on!

24. Watch for the GENDER CUES! Do you see "el?" That means that la cafetería is out. The answer is d (auditorio)

25. Correct!

28. The problem here is that soler (o--->ue) is a VERB and you will have a run-on sentence if you conjugate another verb. the answer is b (cepillarme)


For question 23, the question is asking if you are going to bring the sodas. The response "Sí, Voy a ____" indicates that you are filling in the blank with the correct form of the verb "traer" (to bring) to match the subject and object of the sentence. In this case, the subject is "Voy a" (I am going to) and the object is "los refrescos" (the sodas). The correct form is "traerlos" (to bring them) because "refrescos" is a masculine plural noun. Therefore, the answer to question 23 is option b. traerlos.

For question 24, the question is asking where do the students have to line up to enter. The correct answer is "c. cafeteria" because the word "fila" means line, and it is commonly used to refer to lining up for food in a cafeteria setting.

For question 25, the question is asking what is on the wall of your classroom. The correct answer is "a. un mapa y un reloj" (a map and a clock) because it is the only option that includes both a map and a clock.

For question 28, the question is asking when do you usually brush your teeth. The response "Suelo ____ los dientes después de cenar t antes de acostarme" indicates that you need to fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun and form of the verb "cepillar" (to brush) to match the subject and action of the sentence. In this case, the subject is "me" (myself) and the action is "cepillar" (to brush). The correct form is "me cepillo" (I brush) because the reflexive pronoun "me" agrees with the subject of the sentence. Therefore, the answer to question 28 is option d. me cepillo.