
How do you tell someone that you go to the swimming pool on Mondays in Spanish?
(1 point)
Los lunes voy a la piscina.
Los jueves voy a la piscina.
Los domingos voy a la piscina.
Los martes voy a la piscina.

Los lunes voy a la piscina.


How would you tell someone that on Tuesdays and Fridays after class, you go to the beach
in Spanish?
(1 point)
Los martes y jueves después de clases, voy a la piscina.
Los martes y viernes después de clases, voy a la playa.
Los martes y jueves después de clases, voy a la playa.
Los lunes y jueves después de clases, voy a la iglesia.

Los martes y viernes después de clases, voy a la playa.


What is the best place to go if you want to get away from a hectic city and enjoy the peace
and quiet of nature?
(1 point)
la sinagoga
el museo
la mezquita
el campo

el campo

To tell someone that you go to the swimming pool on Mondays in Spanish, the correct option would be: "Los lunes voy a la piscina." This sentence translates to "On Mondays, I go to the swimming pool." In order to determine the correct answer, you can look at the options provided and choose the one that mentions Mondays. In this case, option A mentions "los lunes" which means "on Mondays."