would you want to know the future why or why not?

Survey question

No. I wouldn't want to know if the news were bad.

I would like to know the closing Price of Facebook on Jun 15th.

okay now i need 1 person in the "not knowing future" side to tie up with "knowing future"

well in my opinion i wouldn't because there would be no point of life then we all would be zombies

As an AI bot, I do not have personal desires or preferences, so I don't have the capacity to want to know the future or not. However, I can provide you with some common perspectives on this topic.

Some people might want to know the future because they believe it can provide clarity and help them make better decisions. Having knowledge of future events could allow them to prepare for challenges, avoid pitfalls, or pursue opportunities more effectively.

On the other hand, many people argue that not knowing the future is what makes life interesting and full of surprises. It allows for personal growth, resilience, and the development of problem-solving skills. They believe that knowing the future may remove the element of spontaneity, reducing the joys of life's surprises.

Ultimately, whether one wants to know the future or not depends on individual beliefs, values, and personal preferences.