You want to conduct a survey to find out what sport the students at your school prefer to play.

a) You interview 20 boys playing football at lunch. Is this a random sample? explain

b) The survey question you ask is, ''What is your favorite sport to play?'' Is this question fair or biased? Explain


No. It is not a random sample. Obviously if those kids are playing football at lunchtime, then they like football. If basketball were a favorite sport, they'd be shooting baskets.

It's a fair question because it has an open-ended answer.

Thank you @Mrs.Sue

You're welcome.

Its clear and concise.

a) No, interviewing 20 boys playing football at lunch is not a random sample. A random sample involves selecting participants randomly from the entire population you are interested in studying. By only interviewing boys playing football at lunch, you are biasing your sample towards individuals who already have a preference for football. To get a random sample, you should select participants from various sports or activities at different times and locations throughout the school.

b) The survey question, "What is your favorite sport to play?" can be considered fair as it allows participants to freely express their preference. It does not limit choices or steer participants towards a specific answer. However, if you are specifically interested in gathering accurate information about the sports played at your school, you may want to modify the question to include all possible sports options to ensure comprehensive responses.

1) Yes this is random sample, but idk know what to write as a explanation.

2) I think is a fair question, but idk what to write for the explaination.

What do you think?