Hello! I am doing a presentation on the green sea turtle. I unsure what part of "green sea turtle" should be capitalized if at all. I am seeing it multiple ways online. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The green sea turtle should not be capitalized.

Thank you so much!!

You're very welcome.

Hello! When it comes to capitalizing the term "green sea turtle," it is important to follow appropriate capitalization rules. Generally, for species names like the "green sea turtle," only the proper noun part should be capitalized. In this case, "green" is an ordinary adjective describing the color, so it should not be capitalized. Thus, the correct capitalization would be "green sea turtle."

However, it is worth mentioning that specific style guides or publications might have their own guidelines for capitalizing certain terms, including species names. In such cases, it's best to consult those specific guidelines for accuracy.

When researching online, you might come across variations in capitalization because different sources may have different conventions or adhere to specific style guides. To ensure accuracy, it's a good practice to refer to reputable sources such as scientific journals or official publications when in doubt.