1. Which reference resource best helps a reader determine the meaning of technical words in a text? 2.Which options describes what a thesaurus is used for? 3. Wesley is giving a presentation in his science class and is unsure of how to pronounce the word phylum. Which resource should he consult? 4.Bryan is writing a short story and wants to come up with a more interesting word to replace cold. Which is the best resource? plz help.

1.Which reference resource best helps a reader determine the meaning of technical words in a text?


2.Which options describes what a thesaurus is used for?

finding synonyms and antonyms of a word**

3.Wesley is giving a presentation in his science class and is unsure of how to pronounce the word phylum. Which resource should he consult?

an online dictionary**

4.Bryan is writing a short story and wants to come up with a more interesting word to replace cold. Which is the best resource?

a thesaurus**

100%, good luck! :)

thank you for the help cash

thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

cash is 110 right thx so much xoxo

I'm taking the assessment rn so just give me a second



Yo thanks Cash

thanks cash

Thanks cash!

okay thank you so much