Describe the diversity of species on Earth, relating the difference between known numbers and estimated numbers


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The diversity of species on Earth is vast and awe-inspiring. It encompasses a wide range of organisms, from microorganisms like bacteria and archaea to complex multicellular organisms like plants, animals, and fungi. This diversity is crucial for maintaining the delicate balance of our planet's ecosystems.

When it comes to describing the diversity of species, we often refer to both the known numbers and the estimated numbers. Known numbers represent the species that have been discovered, described, and documented by scientists. These numbers are compiled through extensive research, fieldwork, and taxonomic studies.

Estimating the total number of species is a more challenging task. It is believed that a considerable proportion of Earth's species remains undiscovered and undescribed. This is particularly true for smaller organisms, such as insects, microbes, and deep-sea creatures, that inhabit remote or poorly studied regions.

To estimate the total number of species, scientists use various methods, including extrapolation from known data, statistical modeling, and DNA sequencing techniques. For example, they may examine patterns of species distribution in specific habitats and apply these patterns to unexplored areas to make predictions.

Estimates of the total number of species vary widely, ranging from a few million to tens of millions. The most commonly cited estimate is around 8.7 million species, as per the study published in the journal "PLOS Biology" in 2011. However, these estimates are constantly evolving as new species are discovered and taxonomists refine their classification methods.

In summary, the diversity of species on Earth is a fascinating subject, encompassing both the known and estimated numbers. While we have made remarkable progress in cataloging Earth's biodiversity, there is still much to be discovered and understood. Ongoing research and exploration are crucial to unraveling the full extent of the species diversity that exists on our remarkable planet.