Having difficulty with the four frequency ,to use in a table and determine and find the range ..im not understanding whays needed ?

To understand how to use the four frequency to find the range in a table, let me explain the steps you need to follow:

1. Start with a table: You need to have a table that includes a column for the values and another column for their corresponding frequencies. For example:

Values | Frequency
10 | 2
12 | 3
15 | 1
18 | 4

2. Calculate the range: The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values in your data set. To do this, you need to identify the highest and lowest values.

In this case, the highest value is 18 and the lowest value is 10. Therefore, the range is calculated as follows:

Range = Highest Value - Lowest Value
= 18 - 10
= 8

So, the range in this example is 8.

3. Use the frequency: If you have a frequency table, you need to consider the frequency of each value when calculating the range. To do this, you multiply the frequency by the value itself.

For example, the range calculation would be different if the table showed the frequencies multiplied by the value instead of just listing the frequency:

Values | Frequency
10 | 2
12 | 3
15 | 1
18 | 4

In this case, you would calculate the range as:

Range = (10 * 2) + (12 * 3) + (15 * 1) + (18 * 4)
= 10 + 36 + 15 + 72
= 133

So, the range considering the frequency is 133.

It is important to know the context of the four frequencies you mentioned to provide a more specific explanation. If you clarify the context or provide more details, I can help you further.