For this essay choose one of the stories from Units 1-7 of your literature lessons. Imagine that you are the author of the story and using first person point of view introduce yourself, your story, and state the theme of your story. Then explain how you (as the author) conveyed that theme in your work. Stay true to what you know of the author's personality and beliefs.

Be sure to use direct quotes and support from the story to enhance your essay and give it credibility. You cannot get full credit without providing support from the text.

Your essay should be 1-2 paragraphs in length and have at least 3 specific pieces of evidence that support your answer.

This is the answer I have but, I was wondering if there wAS anyway I could get some help on this essay......
Hello all. My name Is Edgar Allan poe and I am the Author of many stories. The short story I will be talking to you about today is Titled "The Tell-Tale Heart." The theme of my story is that there are consiquenses to every action. The way I worked this theme into the story is that the main character killed a man and felt safe thinking that noone could find what she did however in the end she ends up telling where she hid the heart and gets put in jail.

Please rethink the theme you decide to write about.

Please locate the (minimum of) three quotations you plan to use.

Re-do the first two sentences so they are not so 3rd-grade-ish.

Re-post when you're ready.

I don't understand how you are going to help me any...... You told me to redo what I did and get new info you didn't help me any...

Sure, I can help you with your essay on "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe.

To start, you have established that the theme of the story is that there are consequences to every action. Now, let's delve into how Poe conveys this theme in his work.

Firstly, Poe uses the first-person point of view to allow readers to experience the story through the eyes and mind of the narrator. This creates a sense of intimacy and allows readers to witness the narrator's thought process, leading them to understand the consequences of her actions. The narrator states, "It is the Beating of his hideous heart! I must scream or die!" (Poe). Through this quote, Poe emphasizes the guilt and torment that the narrator feels, as the sound of the victim's heart haunts her and drives her to confess her crime.

Secondly, Poe utilizes vivid and descriptive language to portray the consequences of the narrator's actions. For example, he describes the sound of the old man's heart as "A low, dull, quick sound, such as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton" (Poe). This use of sensory imagery intensifies the reader's experience and creates a palpable sense of fear and guilt. It also serves as a reminder of the consequences that follow immoral behavior.

Furthermore, Poe employs irony to underscore the theme of consequences. The narrator believes she has committed the perfect crime, confidently stating, "I had been too wary for that. A tub had caught all" (Poe). However, the irony lies in the fact that her own guilt and paranoia ultimately lead to her downfall, as she reveals the location of the hidden heart to the police. This irony highlights the inescapable consequences that arise from one's actions, no matter how careful they believe themselves to be.

In conclusion, Edgar Allan Poe effectively conveys the theme of consequences in "The Tell-Tale Heart" through the use of first-person point of view, vivid and descriptive language, and irony. These literary techniques enable the reader to understand and experience the internal turmoil faced by the narrator as a result of her actions. Poe's masterful storytelling captures the haunting consequences of immorality and serves as a warning to all who dare to act without considering the aftermath.