Match the literary movement or subgenre with the literature. Letters may be used more than once.

Trickster tales and creation stories

A. Early American and Colonial Literature
B. American Romanticism
C. Transcendentalism
D. Realism
E. Regionalism

A. Early American and Colonial Literature


Trickster tales and creation stories are associated with:

A. Early American and Colonial Literature

To match the literary movement or subgenre with the literature, we can look at the characteristics and themes of each movement/subgenre and see which one is the best fit.

Trickster tales and creation stories are traditional oral narratives that often feature clever and cunning characters who manipulate the natural and social order. They are commonly found in folklore and mythology.

A. Early American and Colonial Literature: While early American and Colonial Literature does include some folklore and oral traditions, it is not primarily focused on trickster tales and creation stories. Instead, it encompasses works written by early American settlers and explores themes of religious devotion, exploration, and the establishment of a new society.

B. American Romanticism: American Romanticism is a movement in literature that emphasized imagination, emotions, individualism, and a fascination with nature. Trickster tales and creation stories do not typically fall within the scope of American Romanticism.

C. Transcendentalism: Transcendentalism is a philosophical and literary movement that emphasized the spiritual and intuitive aspects of human experience, as well as the inherent goodness of both nature and humanity. Trickster tales and creation stories do not align with the central ideas of Transcendentalism.

D. Realism: Realism is a literary movement that aimed to depict life as it truly is, focusing on representing reality in a detailed and objective manner. Trickster tales and creation stories are traditionally fictional narratives that often contain fantastical elements, which diverges from the aims of Realism.

E. Regionalism: Regionalism is a literary movement that focuses on capturing the unique characteristics and culture of a specific geographical region within a country. Trickster tales and creation stories can be seen as part of a region's folklore and oral traditions, making Regionalism a better match.

Therefore, the correct match would be:
Trickster tales and creation stories - E. Regionalism