rename the fraction 2/9 in eighteenths

what is 9/5 and tentnes

To rename the fraction 2/9 in eighteenths, we need to find an equivalent fraction.

To do this, we should first determine how many eighteenths are in one whole. Since there are 18 equal parts in one whole and each part is an eighteenth, we can multiply the numerator and denominator of 2/9 by the same number to get an equivalent fraction.

To find this number, we divide 18 (the denominator of the target fraction) by 9 (the denominator of the original fraction):
18 ÷ 9 = 2

Now, we multiply the numerator and denominator of 2/9 by 2:
2/9 * 2/2 = 4/18

Therefore, the equivalent fraction of 2/9 in eighteenths is 4/18.

what is 4/18?

2/9 = 4/18