I need help on writing a summary and an example of a summary.My teacher said that when your writing a summary,the middle is the 3 supporting details or what happens,the end is what wraps it all up or the conclusion.but what is the beginning?


I understand that you need help with writing a summary, and I'm here to assist you. Don't worry, we'll work through this together step by step.

When it comes to writing a summary, it's important to understand the structure and purpose. A summary provides a concise overview of the main points or key elements of a larger piece of writing, such as an article, book, or essay. The goal is to capture the essence of the original work without including unnecessary details.

Now, let's break down the structure of a summary:

1. Beginning: The beginning of a summary introduces the topic or the main idea of the original work. It should provide some context for the reader and grab their attention. This section typically doesn't include specific details, but rather sets the stage for what the summary will cover.

2. Middle: The middle section of a summary focuses on the supporting details or main events of the original work. This is where you provide a concise summary of the key points, facts, or events that are relevant to the overall topic. It's important to choose the most important details and present them in a logical and coherent manner.

3. End: The end of a summary wraps up the main points and provides a conclusion or closing statement. It should summarize the key findings or main ideas of the original work without introducing new information. The conclusion should tie everything together and leave the reader with a clear understanding of the main points discussed.

To help you understand this structure better, let's look at an example of a summary:

Original Work: Article titled "The Benefits of Regular Exercise"

Beginning: Introduce the topic by stating that the article discusses the benefits of regular exercise for both physical and mental health. Mention the importance of staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Middle: Summarize the three main benefits mentioned in the article: improved cardiovascular health, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and enhanced mood and mental well-being. Provide a brief explanation of each benefit and support them with relevant facts or statistics from the article.

End: Wrap up the summary by highlighting the overall importance of regular exercise for a healthy lifestyle. Mention that the article emphasized the numerous positive impacts of physical activity on both the body and mind. Conclude by encouraging readers to incorporate regular exercise into their daily routines to reap these benefits.

Remember, when writing a summary, it's essential to use your own words and avoid directly copying from the original work. Focus on capturing the main points and presenting them in a clear, concise, and organized manner.

I hope this explanation and example help you in writing your summary. Good luck with your assignment! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
