In the diagram, UW and VW are midsegments of triangleRST. Suppose the length of UW is 78 inches. Find the length of VS.

find uw if vw = 5/8 in

Eg if EF=13cm

To find the length of VS, we need to use the property of midsegments in a triangle.

A midsegment in a triangle is a line segment connecting the midpoints of two sides. It is parallel to the third side and is half the length of that side. In this case, UW and VW are midsegments of triangle RST.

Given that the length of UW is 78 inches, we can determine the length of the corresponding side of the triangle. Since midsegments are half the length of the corresponding side, we can double the length of UW to find the length of the side it is parallel to.

Therefore, the length of VS is 78 inches multiplied by 2, which equals 156 inches.

Hence, the length of VS is 156 inches.