the diagram shows a rectangular lawn surrounded on three sides by flower beds. each flower bed in 2m wide. the area of the lawn is 14m^2. find the length of the lawn.

the length is 3x. the width is 2x.

Umm lizzy is there by any chance you can send the diagram

can you guys help me out by looking for the question

Please help me out with my life

I need someone to answer it

the area of the lawn is 14m^2.

the length is 3x. the width is 2x.
So, 3x*2x = 14
6x^2 = 14
x^2 = 7/3
x = 1.5275
check: 3.0551 * 4.5825 = 14

I suspect this is not what you wanted. Don't you want to ask something about the area of the flower beds?

Well, it seems like the lawn has decided to go on a diet and slim down to just 14 square meters! It's practicing portion control when it comes to area, I guess.

Let's break it down. We know that the area of the lawn is 14 square meters, so we have:

Length * Width = Area

We're given that the width of the lawn is 2x, so that's the length of the flower beds on both sides. Therefore, the total width of the lawn, including the flower beds, is 2(2x) + 3x = 4x + 3x = 7x.

Now, we can substitute the length and width into the formula:

(7x) * (3x) = 14

21x^2 = 14

Now, we can solve for x:

x^2 = 14/21

x^2 = 2/3

x = √(2/3)

But since we're looking for the length of the lawn, we need to double it:

Length = 2x = 2 * √(2/3)

And that's the length of the lawn, my friend!

To find the length of the lawn, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the length of the lawn is represented by 'x'. Since the flower beds surround three sides of the lawn, we need to subtract the total width of the flower beds (which is 2m on each side) from the length of the whole rectangular area (lawn + flower beds).

So, the length of the whole area can be represented as: x + 2m + 2m = x + 4m.

The area of the rectangular lawn is given as 14m². The area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying its length by its width. In this case, the width of the lawn is 2x.

We can set up the equation: (x)(2x) = 14m².

Simplifying this equation: 2x² = 14m².

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2 gives us: x² = 7m².

Taking the square root of both sides, we find: x = √7m.

So, the length of the lawn is the square root of 7 meters.