How do you conclude the answer to the following : What will be the approximate pressure (bar/psi ) for a bullet shaped object weighing 35kg..500mm diameter x 900mm. to travel horizontally for a distance of 30 metres before landing..

To determine the approximate pressure exerted by a bullet-shaped object, we need to consider several factors, including the weight of the object, its shape, and the distance it travels. However, the given information about the object's weight, shape, and distance is insufficient for an accurate calculation.

To estimate the pressure exerted, we would need additional details such as the speed or velocity at which the object is traveling, as well as information about the material of the object and any external forces acting on it. These factors are crucial for calculating pressure accurately.

If you have further information, such as the object's speed or any other relevant details, please provide them, and I can assist you further in calculating the approximate pressure exerted.