What would an investigation into the cultural impacts of the Enlightenment conclude? (1 point)

© It would conclude that the power of monarchs was expanded.
• It would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures of government
• It would conclude that the Enlightenment increased the authority of the Catholic Church.
• It would conclude that traditional ideas were favored over empirical observations.

• It would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures of government.

An investigation into the cultural impacts of the Enlightenment would not conclude that the power of monarchs was expanded. In fact, one of the significant outcomes of the Enlightenment was the challenge to the absolute power of monarchs and the promotion of ideas such as democracy and individual rights.

Instead, it would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures of government. This period saw the development of new political theories that advocated for the separation of powers, checks and balances, and republican forms of government.

Additionally, it would not conclude that the Enlightenment increased the authority of the Catholic Church. On the contrary, the Enlightenment challenged the authority of the Church and emphasized the importance of reason and scientific inquiry over religious dogma.

Lastly, it would not conclude that traditional ideas were favored over empirical observations. The Enlightenment was characterized by a shift towards empiricism and the scientific method. It emphasized the importance of observation, experimentation, and reason in understanding the natural world and human society.

To determine what an investigation into the cultural impacts of the Enlightenment would conclude, one would need to examine historical sources and evaluate the evidence. The Enlightenment was a period in the 18th century characterized by intellectual and philosophical developments that profoundly influenced society, politics, and culture.

One possible conclusion could be that the power of monarchs was expanded as a result of the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment challenged the divine right of kings and promoted the concept of natural rights and sovereignty of the people. This led to the questioning of absolute monarchies and the development of new political structures and ideas.

Another possible conclusion could be that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures of government. Thinkers of the Enlightenment, such as John Locke and Montesquieu, promoted the ideas of separation of powers, checks and balances, and the social contract. These ideas had a significant impact on political systems, contributing to the establishment of democracies and constitutional governments.

It is less likely that an investigation into the cultural impacts of the Enlightenment would conclude that it increased the authority of the Catholic Church. The Enlightenment was marked by a growing skepticism toward religious dogma and authority, and thinkers like Voltaire advocated for religious tolerance and separation of Church and State.

Lastly, it is unlikely that an investigation would conclude that traditional ideas were favored over empirical observations. The Enlightenment emphasized the power of reason, rationality, and the scientific method. The thinkers of this period valued empirical observations and the application of reason to understand the world, often challenging traditional beliefs and superstitions.

To arrive at a more definitive conclusion, it is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation that analyzes various primary and secondary sources from the Enlightenment period and considers multiple perspectives. This would provide a comprehensive understanding of the cultural impacts and allow for a nuanced conclusion.