Help Please! Need to know if I'm the right track. If this the correct answer.

I said the answer is C

After Mrs. Keech's doomsday predictions failed, her followers suddenly became interested in convincing others they were right. This strong need to maintain consistency in one's belief by attracting additional followers is predicted by the ______ theory.

a. social exchange

b. attribution

c. cognitive dissonance

d. compliance

correct. This explains why folks keep trying to sign up more believers in supply side economics.

To determine if C is the correct answer, we need to understand the concept being described in the question and then match it with the correct theory option.

In this question, it mentions that Mrs. Keech's followers, after her failed predictions, became interested in convincing others that they were right. This suggests that Mrs. Keech's followers experienced a need to maintain consistency in their beliefs.

Now let's look at the theory options provided:

a. Social exchange theory is a theory that focuses on the social and economic aspects of interpersonal relationships, and it doesn't directly relate to the situation described in the question.

b. Attribution theory refers to how individuals explain the behavior of themselves and others. While it can explain why people may attribute their beliefs to external factors, it doesn't address the need for consistency or attracting additional followers.

c. Cognitive dissonance theory, on the other hand, explains the discomfort or internal tension (dissonance) that arises when there's a discrepancy between someone's beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. It predicts that individuals will seek to reduce this dissonance by, for example, changing their beliefs or attracting others to support them. This aligns with the situation described in the question.

d. Compliance refers to the act of complying or conforming to a request or demand. While compliance can play a role in maintaining consistency, it doesn't encompass the whole concept described in the question.

Based on the explanation above, the correct answer is c. cognitive dissonance. Therefore, if you selected C as your answer, you are on the right track!