Raymond is writing an article about a recent track meet for his school's online paper. Which format is the best choice to share the speeds of the five fastest runners? Select the correct answer.

I think a photograph what do you think magic man

A table

not helppfull

are you cool story bro magic man

i would say a table what do you think magic man?

The best format to share the speeds of the five fastest runners in Raymond's article would be a tabular format. A table allows for easy comparison of data and can provide a clear and organized presentation of information. Here is an example of how Raymond could structure the table:

| Runner Name | Speed (in mph) |
| Runner 1 | 10.5 |
| Runner 2 | 11.2 |
| Runner 3 | 10.8 |
| Runner 4 | 10.6 |
| Runner 5 | 11.0 |

In this table, Raymond includes the names of the runners in the left column and their corresponding speeds in the right column. This format allows readers to easily compare the speeds of the five fastest runners in a clear and concise manner.